This episode is very personal for me. Almost every year I find myself struggling with a burnout. Often it happens right around the time of my winter break. And every time I promise myself to do things differently next year.
This past spring I lead a group of colleagues through a burnout challenge. By the end of this challenge, I’ve made a number of interesting and eye-opening observations. If any of this sounds familiar, you have to listen to the rest of episode.
Everyone who completed the challenge got to meet a wellness coach. And today, she is my guest here. Her name is Jennifer Robinson.
Jennifer, a former academic, spent years learning yoga and meditation techniques that support relaxation, serenity and joy.
She has studied stress-management, primordial sound meditation and natural healing at the Deepak Chopra Center and at the Natural Healing Institute. She obtained a certification as a Guiding Mindful Change Wellness coach, and studied the works of Thich Nhat Han, Jon Kabat Zinn, Andrew Weil, Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer, among many others.
Jen incorporates the expertise of many into her practice as a wellness coach, yoga teacher and Reiki master. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher, a Master Reiki Energy Healer, and a Certified Meditation Teacher and Wellness Coach.
My hope is that by the end of this episode, you’ll learn how to recognize the signs of burnout in your life and will know begin to experiment with some coping mechanisms recommended by Jen to prevent burnout in your life.
1. What has Jen’s journey to becoming a wellness coach been like and who are the typical clients she sees in her practice
2. What are some of the typical signs and reasons for having a burnout
3. What are the best coping mechanisms and one thing most productive people do on an hourly basis
4. How you can reward yourself with little bits of joy and avoid a burnout in the process
5. What are some of Jen’s favorite resources to prevent a burnout
Jen’s website Peaceful LIving Wellness, her Facebook page and Facebook group community, Instagram feed and Twitter account to follow
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